Sutsh Family

These are descendants of Evelyn Hine Sutsh.

Sutch family
Back Row, left to right: Gary Sutsh, Linda and John Petske, Kevin Murphy, Dan Schweisow (?- Christina’s ex-husband). Front Row. Ev Sutsh, Chrissy (Gary’s step-daughter), Diane (Petzke) Murphy, Christina Petzke, Don Sutsh.
Sutch family, originally uploaded by Miranda Hine.

(Thanks to Mary [McNabb] Wilcox for filling in the missing names! Anyone have an approximate date for this photo? From the looks of the bangs and the leggings, I’m guessing it’s sometime in the 80’s! )

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Back Row: Gary Sutch, Linda & John Petzke, Kevin Murphy, Dan Schweisow (?- Christina’s ex-husband)Front Row: Ev Sutch, Chrissy (Gary’s step-daughter), Diane (Petzke) Murphy, Christina Petzke, Don SutchHope this helps. Thanks for keeping up this site! I really enjoy it! Maybe this summer we can start scanning and sending photos too (in all of my spare time, lol) – Mary

  2. Christina

    The above photo was taken @ 1987 in Aunt Hazel and Uncle Ken’s backyard. Totally 80’s! “Sutsh” is the correct spelling for Don and Evelyn and company. Cool blog – thank you!Christina Petzke

  3. Awesome! Thanks Christina! I can’t believe I’ve been spelling it wrong all this time. I would love to add some updated photos of the Sutsh clan. If you have any to share, shoot me an email. moparmama@gmail.comBest to you and yours!Annabel Hine

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