In 1910, 1920 and 1930 census data Jacob and Agnes Smith (Jennie Hine’s parents) were listed using the American spellings. Here, they’re Jacob and Ankje Smit. Link to full size document.
Address in 1900: 10145 La Salle Street, Calumet

Jacob Smit
- Head of household
- Born October 1866
- Age at last birthday: 33
- Married: 12 years
- Marriage year: 1888
- Born: Netherlands
- Father born: Netherlands
- Mother born: Netherlands
- Immigration year: 1889
- Number of years in the US: 11
- Residence: Chicago City, Cook, Illinois
- Occupation: Laborer at lumber yard
Ankje Smit (Agnes)
- Wife
- Born: December 1868
- Age at last birthday: 31
- Married 12 years (
- Marriage year: 1888
- Born: Netherlands
- Father born: Netherlands
- Mother born: Netherlands
- Immigration year: 1889
- Number of years in the US: 11
- Residence: Chicago City, Cook, Illinois
Jennie Smit
- Daughter
- Born: June 1891
- Age at last birthday: 8
- Born: Illinois
Nicholas Smit
- Son
- Born: December 1892
- Age at last birthday: 7
- Born: Illinois
Tinie Smit (Tena)
- Daughter
- Born: February 1895
- Age at last birthday: 5
- Born: Illinois
Henrietta Smit
- Daughter
- Born: Oct 1896
- Age at last birthday: 3
- Born: Illinois