You are currently viewing Possible birth record for Agnes Alberda in the Netherlands

Possible birth record for Agnes Alberda in the Netherlands

Detail result: (Child)

SourceCivil register – Birth
Archive locationGroninger Archieven
GeneralMunicipality: Ulrum
Type of record: geboorte
Record number: 91
Registration date: 10-12-1868
ChildAuktje Alberda
Gender: V
Abandoned child: N
Date of birth: 08-12-1868
Place of birth: Vliedorp gem. Ulrum
FatherMachiel Alberda
MotherJantje Kooi


  • I found this page, which links the names Jakob Smit, Auktje Alberda and Jantje Kooi, and the immigration year 1889 (which corresponds with Glenn’s information.)
  • I found this page, which links Jennie Smith and her siblings with the same Aukje/Agnes Alberda listed above, Jantje Kooi, AND traces their ancestors back to the year 1700. I
  • I have extracted and translated the information regarding Agnes Alberda’s direct lineage. Here’s a link.

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