The above image was found in a box of Hazel Hine’s snapshots. The date “Aug 25-20″ was written on the back of the photo. It measures 3.5″ x 4.5”. The woman at the bottom right looks Jennie. I’m guessing this is a women’s bible group portrait.

The handwriting on the back of the above reads “Ladies Adult Bible Class taken June 18-1936.” There’s a circular date stamp on the back that reads “Madson Print, Chicago Jul 23 1936” I believe that’s Jennie in the bottom row, 2nd from the right.

This was also found with Hazel’s things. There was no writing on the back of the photo, but it was printed as a post card, with an area designated for a stamp, address, etc. It measures about 3.25″ x 5.5″. I believe Jennie is in the center of the back row, wearing a gray coat.

Another one of Hazel’s group photos from this era. There was no writing on the back. It measures 2.75″ x 4.5″. The woman fourth from the right in the bottom row, wearing a hat, looks like it could be Jennie, but I can’t tell.