81 Page booklet published by Aeneas George DeYoung in 1956, updated and reprinted in 1960. Mr. DeYoung was the grandson of Jacob and Geertje De Jong via their son Joris, and we are descended from their daughter Maartje De Jong Van Vuuren.
“This publication includes a coat of arms the author attempts to link to the family (above) as well as some dubious early genealogy of a probably unrelated de Jong family with a supposed tie to the Emperor Charlemagne. It really gets down to business with the 1719 birth of a Pieter de Jonghe. That, and subsequent family milestones in The Netherlands are documented in the records of the village of Schoorl. The story of the trip and subsequent events seem to be gathered from anecdotal sources, with some reference to church records. The largest part of the book is the listing of descendants. It was a pretty thorough job, and includes birth, death and marriage dates for most persons listed. All of the modern information was submitted by family members, so it is not 100% complete and does include errors. It’s still a great resource.”
(I regretfully lost the citation for the above quoted description, pulled from a message board many years ago.)
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