Louis Rhining, married, born 11/15/1854 in Beardstown IL, age 77 years, 9 months, 16 days. Died 31 August 1932 at about 10:30pm in Bluff Springs IL. Retired farmer. Father: Henry Rhining, born in Germany. Mother: Lucinda White, born in Cass County IL. Buried in Black Oak Cemetery, Hagener, Cass County. Cause of death: Chronic Myocarditis (6mos). Secondary cause of death: arteriosclerosis (3years)
The above image is from the Memories of Black Oak Church Facebook page. Louis Rhining is buried in the cemetery at that church, in Beardstown, although there may not be a headstone. There are possible family members buried in that cemetery, but their name is spelled Reining. Charles Henry Reining, Conrad Reining, and Emma Jane Morgan Reining. I have not looked into these individuals and don’t know if they’re related.