Here’s an unsolved mystery from Effie’s photo album:
- Who is Bill Jordan?
- Why was the Henry Family in Nebraska?
- Was this a stop on the way to British Columbia in 1923?
Bill and Billy Jordan are labeled in the album and one of the photos is labeled “Nebraska”. Mildred Henry is in the photos and appears to be 10-12 years old so I will estimate these photos were taken sometime around 1922. Click here to view this album (not yet complete).

There’s a hint on my Ancestry family tree for Albert Henry’s mother Mary Elizabeth Morton that shows a Mary Morton recorded on an 1875 Nebraska State Census at the age of 17. It says she was born in Illinois and shows her in a household in the Midland precinct of Lancaster County, Nebraska with L.P. Morton (a lumberman, age 44, born in Ohio), Ida Morton (age 21, born in Ohio), and Ella Morton (age 13, born in Indiana). Our Mary’s parents were Samuel K. Morton and Julia Ann Riddle, and her siblings were Samuel and Dica Jane (Dicey). It’s still possible this is her, and she was staying with an uncle. I have not been able to find Samuel Morton’s parents or siblings.