Barnhill Poorhouse and Lunatic Assylum
Jean Ferrier Farquharson‘s husband, Glasgow herbalist and “bone setter” John Farquharson died sometime between 1851 and 1858, quite possibly from tuberculosis in 1853. In 1858 when Jean was 70, she was committed to the Barnhill Poorhouse Lunatic Asylum in the Parish of Barony of Glasgow. She remained there about a year and a half, after which she was transferred to Govan Lunatic Asylum, where she tragically died a year later, 26 March 1861. After raising 7 children and likely helping to raise her siblings as the eldest daughter of six (two of her brothers going on to build great wealth from slavery), Jean’s died from “gradual decay” and bed sores in the lunatic ward of a poorhouse.
It has taken me a while to emotionally process this information and grieve for the many levels of injustice, and Jean’s horrible end. In this post I will provide some context and share the detailed admission records, which I obtained from Scottish Indexes and transcribed in full.

Scottish Poorhouses and Asylums
The Scottish Poor Law Amendment Act of 1845 created parochial boards in each parish to oversee poor relief. Poorhouses were built and run by the parochial boards of each parish or neighboring parishes to house paupers who did not receive “outdoor relief” (usually small weekly sums of money). Poorhouses were inappropriately and under-staffed, conditions were foul, children were separated from parents (read this letter from mothers pleading to see their children after two years separation), and residents were punished severely (ie withholding food and solitary confinement) if they weren’t working hard enough. Essentially, the goal was to make poorhouses so intolerable, no one would choose them if they had any other choice.
Conditions for those deemed “lunatics” were even less humane. The word “lunatic” was used to describe a person who was “sometimes of good and sound memory and understanding and sometimes not”, while “idiot” was used to describe “natural fools from birth”. In 1880, the term “asylum” was used in place of the old word “madhouse”, which went out of fashion during the 18th century. This bone chilling transcript describes the dangerously subjective and punitive manner in which those in power wielded declarations of insanity to punish and control:
This Lunatic Ward is considered a trial place to ascertain if persons are “Lunatics” – It is a means of for relations to get out of the way all those who are in their way – or who from any cause are do disposed – They thrust in any one who is low spirited – nervous, or excited, affirming these persons are suffering from “delusions” or wish “to commit suicide” – These unfortunate beings who have simply the aches & pains common to human nature are detained whether willing or unwilling, & can be conveyed to a Lunatic Asylum & “put away” without any one’s knowledge –
Catherine Bonchin Phillimon, court transcript, The National Archives
Glasgow had three poorhouses under this system– City, Govan, and Barnhill Poorhouse in Barony. Gorbals couldn’t afford a poorhouse because the whole parish was poor, so Govan served Gorbals as well. For additional reading, this article on the Glasgow poorhouses, workhouses, and asylums provides a thorough overview of their function and conditions at the time. Editions of the Poor Law Magazine for Scotland (1859-1863) provide a deep dive, as does The Workhouse website and Digest of the Law of Scotland Relating to the Poor, by J. Guthrie Smith, Advoate, Edinburgh, 1859.

Other resources
- 1858-59 Glasgow Post Office Directory entry for Parochial Boards & Poorhouses
- 1859-60 Glasgow Post Office Directory entry for Parochial Boards & Poorhouses
Jean Ferrier Farquharson Admission Records
I was able to obtain 11 documents from Jean’s file– 5 from 1858, 5 from 1860, and 1 from 1861. I will go through them chronologically. I will provide the images one at a time, with transcription details after each one. Note she is sometimes referred to as “Jane” within these documents.

Petition to the Sheriff to Grant Order for the Reception of a Patient into an Asylum, 9 June 1858
Unto the Honourable the Sheriff of the Shire of Lanark and his Substitutes,
The Petition of John M. Mackay Assistant Inspector of Poor Barony humbly showeth that it appears from the subjoined statement and accompanying Medical Certificates, that Jane Ferrier Farquharson is at present in a state of Mental Derangement, and a proper person for treatment in our Asylum for the Insane. May it therefore please your Lordship to authorize the transmission of the said Jane Ferrier Farquharson to the Barony Parish Lunatic Asylum and to sanction her admission into the said Asylum.
Signed John M. Mackay
20 & 21 Vict., Cap. 71, Sect. 37.
Sheriff-Clerk’s Office, Glasgow
I hereby give notice, That, on the application of John M. McKay, Assistant Inspector of Poor, Barony Parish Glasgow, accompanied by two Medical Certificates under the hands of MatthewMather MD and Thomas Christie Surgeon, an order was granted by Henry Glasford Bell, sheriff substitute Glasgow, on the 9th day of June, 1858 for the reception of Jane Ferrier or Farquharson to Barnhill Poor House, into the public Asylum of the Barony Parish of Glasgow at Barnhill.
Signed James Gibbons Sherrif-Clerk, dated this 9th day of June 1858
To the Secretary of the General Board of Lunacy, Edinburgh
Scottish Mental Health Records for Jean Ferrier Farquharson, 1858

Certificate of Emergency
(This Certificate shall be granted only in cases in which the urgency of the symptoms renders hazardous the delay necessary to procure a Second Medical Certificate.)
I, the undersigned having already granted the Medical Certificate No. 1, hereto annexed, to the effect that Jane Ferrier Pauper Inmate in Barnhill Poor is a person of unsound mind hereby further certify that the case of the said Jane Ferrier is one of emergency, and I recommend the immediate removal of the said Jane Ferrier to an Asylum accordingly.
M Mathers MD, Med Supt Barnhill, dated this 9th day of June 1858
Order to be Granted by the Sheriff for the Transmission and Reception of the Lunatic
I Henry Glasford Bell Esquire, Sheriff Substitute of the County of Lanark having had produced to me with a Petition at the instance of Doctor M. Mather, Assistant Inspector of the Barony Parish, Glasgow, certificates under the hands of Mathew Mather and Thomas Christie, being two Medical Persons duly qualified in terms of n Act, intituled “An Act for the Regulation of the Care and Treatment of Lunatics, and for the Provision, Maintenance, and Regulation of Lunatic Asylums in Scotland,” setting forth that they had separately visited and exmined Jane Ferrier or Farquharson a pauper inmate of Barnhill Poorhouse and that the said Jane Ferrier or Farquharson is a person of unsound mind or a lunatic and a proper person to be detained and taken care of, do hereby authorize you to receive the said Jane Ferrier or Farquharson as a patient into the public asylum of Barony Parish at Barnhill and I authorize transmission to the said asylum accordingly; and I transmit you herewith the said Medical Certificates, and a statement regarding the said Jane Ferrier or Farquharson which accompanied the said petition,
Signed Henry Glasford Bell, dated this Ninth day of June, 1858
To the Superintendent of the Public Asylum of the Baroney Parish at Barnhill
Scottish Mental Health Records for Jean Ferrier Farquharson, 1858

Medical Certificate No. 1
I, the undersigned, Mathew Mather MD being a Graduate of the Glasgow University and being in actual practice as a physician and surgeon hereby certify, on soul and conscience, that I have this day at Barnhill Poorhouse in the County of Lanark separately from any other medical practitioner, visited and personally examined Jane Ferrier presently a pauper inmate in Barnhill Poorhouse and that said Jane Ferrier is a person of unsound mind and a proper Person to be detained under Care and Treatment, and that I have formed this opinion upon the following grounds:
- Facts indicating Insanity observed by myself: Moron and fretful temper, restless, incapable of compsing herself in any on locality
- Other facts (if any) indicating Insanity communicated to me by others: Agnes Nett(?), Pauper Warder Barnhill states that she is restless at night, fancies that people are entering the Ward beckoning(?) with her, very obstinate & excitable.
Signed M. Mather MD, Med Supt Barnhill, Dated this 4 day of June, 1858
Medical Certificate No 2, 4 June 1858
I, the undersigned, Thomas Christie being a licensed ? of the Royal College of Glasgow, Edinburgh and being in actual practice as a surgeon hereby certify, on soul and conscience, that I have this day at Barnhill Poorhouse in the County of Lanark separately from any other medical practitioner, visited and personally examined Jane Ferrier residing at Barnhill Poorhouse, a Pauper, and that the said Jane Ferrier is a lunatic and a proper Person to be detained under Care and Treatment, and that I have formed this opinion upon the following grounds:
- Facts indicating Insanity observed by myself: She is quite outrageous, requiring restraint, very restless and appearing not to know what she would be at.
- Other facts (if any) indicating Insanity communicated to me by others: [left blank]
Signed Thomas Christie, Surgeon, 158 Canning Street, Glasgow
Dated this 4th day of June, 1858
Scottish Mental Health Records for Jean Ferrier Farquharson, 1858

Petition to the Sheriff to Grant Order for the Reception of a Patent Into an Asylum, 9 June 1858
Unto the Honourable the Sheriff of the Shire of Lanark and his Substitutes,
The Petition of John M. Mackay, assistant inspector, humbly showeth that it appears from the subjoined Statement and accompanying Medical Certificates, that Jane Ferrier Farquharson is at present in a state of Metal Derangement, and a proper person for treatment in an Asylum for the Insane. May it therefore please your Lordship to authorize the transmission of the said Jane Ferrier Farquharson to the Barony Parish Lunatic Asylum and to sanction her admission into the said Asylum.
Signed John M. Mackay, dated this 9th day of June 1858
If any of the Particulars in this Statement be not known, the fact to be so stated.
- Christian Name and Surame of Patient at length: Jane Ferrier Widow of John Farquharson
- Sex and age: Female, 71
- Married, Single, or Widowed: Widow
- Condition of Life, and previous Occupation (if any): Seamstress
- Religious Persuasion, so far as known: Protestant
- Previous Place of Abode: Cardross
- Place where Found and Examined: Barnhill Poorhouse
- Length of time Insane: Six months
- Whether first Attack: Yes first
- Age (if known) on first Attack: 71
- When and where previously under Examination and Treatmet: Never under treatment
- Duration of existing Attack: six months
- Supposed Cause Unknown
- Whether subject to Epilepsy: No
- Whether Suicidal: No
- Whether dangerous to others: No
- Parish or Union to which the Lunatic (if a Pauper) is Chargeable: Barony Parish Glasgow
- Christian Name and Surname, and Place of Abode of nearest known Relative of the Patient, and degree of Relationship (if known), and whether any Member of his Family known to be or to have been Insane:
- Colin Farquharson her son residing in ??
- John Farquharson her son residing in ??
- Janet Farquharson her daughter residing ?
- …Street Anderston(?) Glasgow.
- None of family known to have been Insane
- Special circumstances (if any) preventing the insertion of any of the above particulars: Unknown
I certify, that, to the best of my knowledge, the above particulars are correctly stated. Signed John M. MackKay, dated this 9th day of June, 1858
20 & 21 Vict., Cap. 71, Sect. 37
Sheriff-Clerk’s Office, Glasgow
I hereby give notice, That, on the application of John M. Mckay, Assistant Inspector of Poor Barony Parish Glasgow, accompanied by two Medical Certificates under the hands of Matthew Mather MD and Thomas Christie Surgeon
20 & 21 Vict. Cap. 71, Sect. 112.
Intimation of a Pauper Lunatic
I hereby give you notice, That Jane Ferrier Farquharson residing at Barnhill Poor House in the Parish of Barony became known to me as a Pauper Lunatic being within this Parish on the 4th day of June current and that she was on 9th removed to Barnhill Lunatic Asylum
Signed Peter Beattie, Inspector
Dated at Glasgow this 10th Day of June, eighteen hundred and fifty eight.
To the Sec 4 Lunacy Board
Scottish Mental Health Records for Jean Ferrier Farquharson, 1858

Notice of Admission
20 & 21 Vict., Cap. 71, Sext. 37
I hereby give notice that Jean Ferrier or Farquharson, Cardross was received into this House as a Pauper Patient on the 9th day of June 1858 and I hereby transmit a Copy of the Order and Medical Certificates and Statement on which she was received.
Subjoined is a Report with respect to the mental and bodily condition of the above named Patient.
Signed E[benezer] Wilkie Superintendent, dated at Barnhill this14th day of June 1858
To the Secretary of the General Board of Lunacy
I have this day seen and personally examined Jane Ferrier or Farquharson the Patient named in the above Notice, and hereby report and certify, with respect to her mental state, that she is improved since her admission, but still somewhat stubborn & restless, and with respect to her bodily health and condition, that both are good.
Signed M. Mather MD, Med Sup Barnhill, dated this 14th day of June, 1858
Scottish Mental Health Records for Jean Ferrier Farquharson, 1858

Medical Certificate No. 1
I, the undersigned Moses Thomas being a Licentiate of the Society of Physicians & Surgeons of Glasgow and being in the actual practice as a Surgeon hereby certify, on soul and conscience, that I have this day, at the Barnhill Lunatic Asylum in the County of Lanark, separately from ay other Medical Practitioner, visited and personally examined Jane Ferrier Farquharson a pauper at present residing at Barnhill Asylum and that the said Jean Ferrier Farquharson is a person of unsound mind and a proper person to be detained under Care and Treatment, and that I have formed this opinion upon the following grounds:
- Facts indicating Insanity observed by myself: Has an idiotic expression of countenance, Laughing immoderately and without any cause, is very defective in memory, saying she has only been a month here, whilst she has been nearly two years, thinks herself possessed of great wealth and wanders about in a manner that requires restraint.
- Other facts (if any) indicating Insanity communicated to me by others: [left blank]
Signed M. Thomas
Medical Certificate No. 2
I, the undersigned, William Graham, being a licentiate of the Faculty of Physicians & Surgeons of Glasgow and being in actual practice as a Surgeon hereby certify, on soul and conscience, that I have this day, at the Barnhill Lunatic Asylum in the County of Lanark separately from any other Medical Practitioner visited and personally examined Jean Ferrier Farquharson, a pauper at present resiting in Barnhill Asylum and that the said Jean Ferrier Farquharson is a person of unsound mind and a proper person to be detained under Care and Treatment, and that I have formed this opinion upon the following gorunds:
- Facts indicating Insanity observed by myself: Has a Idiotic expression of features, laughing without any cause.
- Other Facts (if any) indicating Insanity communicated to me by others: Wandering about and thinks herself possessor of great wealth.
- Signed William Graham, Surgeon, Dumbarton, dated second day of February 1860
Order to be Granted By the Sheriff for the Transmission and Reception Of the Lunatic
I William Cunninghame Steele, Sheriff Substitute of the County of Dumbarton, having had produced to me with a petition at the insistance of Thomas Hamilton, Inspector of Poor of the Parish of Cardross, Certificates under the Hands of Moses Thomas and William Graham, being two Medical Persons duly qualified in terms of an Act intituled “An Act for the Regulation of the Care and Treatment of Lunatics, and for the Provision, Maintenance, and Regulation of Lunatic Asylums in Scotland,” setting forth that they had separately visited and examined Jean Ferrier Farquharson a pauper and that the said Jean Ferrier Farquharson is a person of unsound mind and a proper person to be detained and taken care of, do hereby authorize her transmission to the Asylum accordingly and I transmit you herewith the said Medical Certificates, and a statement regarding the said Jean Ferrier Farquharson which accompanied the said Petition.
W. C. Steele, Sheriff, dated the 6th day of February 1860.
To the Superintendent of the Licensed Lunatic Wards, Govan Poor House
Scottish Mental Health Records for Jean Ferrier Farquharson, 1860

If any of the Particulars in this Statement be not known, the fact to be so stated.
- Christian Name and Surame of Patient at length: Jean Ferrier Farquharson
- Sex and Age: Female, 68 Years
- Married, Single, or Widowed: Widow
- Condition of Life, and previous Occupation (if any): was family in ordinary circumstances
- Religious Persuasion, so far as known: Protestant
- Previous Place of Abode: Cardross, Dunbartonshire
- Place where Found and Examined: Barnhill Lunatic Asylum
- Lenth of time Insane: About 17 Months
- Whether First Attack: Yes
- Age (if known) on First Attack: About 66
- When and where previously under Examination and Treatment: Has been in Barnhill Lunnatic Asylum for 17 months
- Durationnn of existing attack: about 17 months
- Supposed cause: Family affliction
- Whether subject to epilepsy: No
- Whether Suicidal: No
- Whether dangerous others: No
- Parish or Union to which the lunatic is chargeable: Cardross, Dumbartonshire
- Date of becoming chargeable: 1858
- Christian Name and Surname, and Place of Abode of nearest known Relative of the Patient, and degree of Relationship (if known), and whether any Member of his Family known to be or to have been Insane: Mary Ferrier Taylor, Craigend Cottage, a sister — none of her relatives to have been insane
- Special circumstances (if any) preventing the insertion of any of the above particulars: [left blank]
I certify that to the best of my knowledge, the above particulars are correctly stated.
Signed Thomas Hamilton, dated this 9th of February 1860
Supplementary Statement required by the General Board of Lunacy
- Country and nPlace of Birth: Cardross, Scotland
- Whether paralytic or of dirty habits: No
- Whether violent or noisy: No
- Whether refusing food: No
- Whether Obscene Conduct, or offensive to public decency: No
- Whether subject to paroxysms of excitement: No
- Whether Deformed, or affected with Bodily Disease: No
- Whether able to Speak and Walk, Dress and Feed herself: Yes
- Whether capable of employment: No
I certify that to the best of my knowledge the above particulars are correctly stated
Signed Thomas Hamilton, dated this 9th day of February 1860
Medical Certificate No. 1
I, the undersigned, Moses. Thomas, being a Licentiate of the Faculty of Physicians & Surgeons of Glasgow, and being in actual practice as a surgeon hereby certify, on soul and conscience, that I have this day at Barnhill Lunatic Asylum in the County of Lanark separately from any other medical practitioner, visited and personally examined Jean Ferrier or Farquharson and that said Jean Ferrier or Farquharson is an incurable idiot and a proper Person to be detained in the Lunatic Wards of the Poorhouse of Govan under Care and Treatment, and that I have formed this opinion upon the following grounds:
- Facts indicating Insanity or Idiocy observed by myself: Defective memory, silly expression of countenance. Restless wandering habits, and incoherent silly conversation.
- Facts indicating Insanity or Idiocy communicated to me by others: [left blank]
- Facts indicating that the Patient belongs to Class 2, and may be properly detained in the Lunatic Wards of the Poorhouse of Govan: I am of the opinion that this patient will never recover, is not suicidal, nor dangerous, neither is she subject to paroxysms of excitement. She is quiet and inoffensive in her conduct.
Signed M. Thomas, Surgeon, Barnhill Poorhouse, dated this 6th day of February 1860
Medical Certificate No. 2
I, the undersigned, William Graham, being a Licentiate of the Faculty of Physicians & Surgeons of Glasgow, and being in actual practice as a surgeon hereby certify, on soul and conscience, that I have this day at Barnhill Lunatic Asylum in the County of Lanark separately from any other medical practitioner, visited and personally examined Jane Ferrier Farquharson and that said Jane Ferrier Farquharson is an incurable idiot and a proper Person to be detained in the Lunatic Wards of the Poorhouse of Govan under Care and Treatment, and that I have formed this opinion upon the following grounds:
- Facts indicating Insanity or Idiocy observed by myself: Laughs without any cause, defective memory, and wandering habits
- Facts indicating Insanity or Idiocy communicated to me by others: [left blank]
- Facts indicating that the Patient belongs to Class 2, and may be properly detained in the Lunatic Wards of the Poorhouse of Govan: I am of opinion will never recover in a Lunatic Asylum, is not suicidal, nor dangerous to self or others.
Signed William Graham, Surgeon, Dunbarton, dated this 7th day of February 1860
Scottish Mental Health Records for Jean Ferrier Farquharson, 1860

Sanction by the General Board of Lunacy
I James Cosce, One of the Commissioners of Lunacy for Scotland, having duly considered the Application by the Inspector of Poor of the Parish of Cardross to sanction the admission of Jean F. Farquharson a Pauper Lunatic of said Parish, into the Poorhouse of Govan. And having further considered the accompanying Statement and the two Medical Certificates under hands of M. Thomas, Surgeon and W. Graham, Surgeon, setting forth that the said Jean F. Farquharson is affected with incurable Mental Derangement, and is a proper object to be taken charge of in the Lunatic Wards of the Poorhouse of Govan, Do hereby sanction the admission of the said Jean F. Farquharson into the Poorhouse of Govan.
Signed James Cosce, Comissioner, dated 11 February 1860
Petition to the Sheriff to Grant Order for the Reception of a Patient Into an Asylum
Unto the Honorable the Sheriff of the Shire of Dumbarton and his Substitutes The Petition of Thomas Hamilton, Inspector of Poor of the Parish of Cardross, Humbly Showeth, That it appears from the subjoined Statement and accompanying Medical Certificates, that Jean Ferrier Farquharson, at present residing at Barnhill Lunatic Asylum, Glasgow, is at present in a state of Mental Derangement, and a proper perso for treatment in an Asylum for the Insane. May it therefore please your Lordship to authorize the transmission of the said Jean Ferrier Farquharson to the Licensed Lunatic Wards of Govan Poorhouse and to sanction her admission into the said Asylum
Signed Thomas Hamilton, Inspector of Poor, dated this 6th day of February 1860
If any of the particulars in this statement be not known, the fact to be so stated.
- Christian Name and Surame of Patient at length: Jane Ferrier Farquharson
- Sex and age: Female, 68 years
- Married, Single, or Widowed: Widow
- Condition of Life, and previous Occupation (if any): Was in ordinary circumstances, but now Poor.
- Religious Persuasion, so far as known: Protestant
- Previous Place of Abode: Cardross, Dunbarton Shire
- Place where Found and Examined: Barnhill Lunatic Asylum, Glasgow
- Length of time Insane: 18 months
- Whether first Attack: Yes
- Age (if known) on first Attack: 66 1/2 years
- When and where previously under Examination and Treatmet: Has been in Barnhill Lunatic Asylum for 18 months
- Duration of existing Attack: 18 months
- Supposed Cause Afflictions in Family
- Whether subject to Epilepsy: No
- Whether Suicidal: No
- Whether dangerous to others: No
- Parish or Union to which the Lunatic (if a Pauper) is Chargeable: Cardross
- Christian Name and Surname, and Place of Abode of nearest known Relative of the Patient, and degree of Relationship (if known), and whether any Member of his Family known to be or to have been Insane: Mary Ferrier Taylor, Cardross, a Sister
- Special circumstances (if any) preventing the insertion of any of the above particulars: None
I certify that, to the best of my knowledge the above particulars are correctly stated.
Signed Thomas Hamilton, Inspector of Poor, Dated this 6th day of July 1860
Scottish Mental Health Records for Jean Ferrier Farquharson, 1860

General Register
No. in Order of Admission: *4479
Name: Jane Ferrier or Farquharson
Private/Pauper, M/F: Pauper F
Date of Admission: 9 June 1858
Asylum: Barony Poor House, Glasgow
Date of Discharge or Death:15 February 1860
Discharges– Recovered/Relieved/Not Improved/Incurable: Relieved
Place to which removed: Govan P.H.
To whose care removed: [left blank]
Died: [left blank]
Observations: 3-99
Scottish Mental Health Records for Jean Ferrier Farquharson, 1860

Notice of Admission of a Pauper Lunatic Into a Poorhouse
21 & 22 Vict., Cap. 89
I hereby give you notice that Jean Ferrier Farquharson a Pauper Lunatic of the Parish of Cardross was received into the Poorhouse of Govan as a Patient of unsound mind, on the 15th day of February and I herewith transmit a Copy of the Order and Medical Certificates and Statement on which she was received.
Subjoined is a Report with respect to the mental and bodily condition of the above named patient.
Signed John M. Cullock, Governor, dated at Glasgow this 16th day of February 1860
I have this day seen and personally examined Jean Ferrier Farquharson, Govan Poor House, the person named in the above Notice, and hereby report and certify, with respect to her mental state, that it is as stated in Medical Certificates and with respect to her bodily health and condition, that it is good.
Signed W. A. Liddell, Surgeon, 224 Eglinton Street, Glasgow, dated this 16th day of February, 1860
As it appears from the subjoined Statement and accompanying Medical Certificates that Jean Ferrier Farquharson a Pauper Lunatic of the Parish of Cardross is in a state of incurable Mental Derangement, and a proper person for care and treatment in the Lunatic Wards of a Poorhouse. May it please your Honorable Board to sanction the admission of the said Jean Ferrier Farquharson into the Lunatic Wards of the Poorhouse of Govan.
Signed Thomas Hamilton, Inspector, dated this 9th day of February 1860
Scottish Mental Health Records for Jean Ferrier Farquharson, 1860

General Register
No. in Order of Admission: 4479
Name: Jane F. Farquharson
Private/Pauper, M/F: Pauper F
Date of Admission: 9 June 1858
Asylum: Govan P.H.
Date of Discharge or Death: 23 March 1861
Discharges– Recovered/Relieved/Not Improved/Incurable: [left blank]
Place to which removed: [left blank]
To whose care removed: [left blank]
Died: Yes
Pauper Register: Vol 1,Folio 169
Observations: Pauper
Scottish Mental Health Records for Jean Ferrier Farquharson, 1861