Alberta Coan Obituary
Link to original photo. ALBERTA M. COAN VALPARAISO, IN Alberta M. Coan, 95, of Valparaiso, died Sunday, August 3, 2008 at Whispering…
Link to original photo. ALBERTA M. COAN VALPARAISO, IN Alberta M. Coan, 95, of Valparaiso, died Sunday, August 3, 2008 at Whispering…
Does anyone know who is who in this photo? Kate (Trientje) Van Vuren must be one of them... Full size photo here.…
Michigan Ave, Chicago, Illinois. The handwriting in the top right corner of this photo says "Grandfather Van Vuren's house on the corner…
Father Jacob De Jong was born on July 17, 1810 in Holland, Nederland and came to America in the year 1849 on a sailing ship over the big Ocean. The trip took 42 days. It was very stormy and with an epidemic of cholera on board 32 passengers died. They landed in New York and went immediately by steamboat to Chicago where they landed on St Street on July 4, 1849. They traveled the 14 miles south and bought land for five dollars an acre. The place was called Hoogie Prarie (High Prairie).
July 29, 2001 Four generations, left to right: Hazel Hine, Mary Wilcox, Brenna Wilcox and Janet McNabb. Submitted by Mary Wilcox.
Hine, J. Hazel (Henry) Of Joliet, at her residence, Monday, June 16, 2008. Age 96 years. Survived by two sons, Kenneth (Miranda)…